Nutrition During Pregnancy

Eat a Well-balanced Diet

Some women feel that pregnancy is an excuse to start eating whatever they want and throw out everything they know about eating healthy.  This is not how eating should be viewed.  It is just as important to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet when you are pregnant as when you aren't.

Complete a MyPyramid Menu Planner For Moms

Complete a MyPyramid Plan for Moms

Things to Avoid

Alcohol:  Safe levels of alcohol consumption have not been established for Pregnant women.  Most Doctors recommend that pregnant women avoid alcohol all together.  Alcohol can lead to F.A.S. 

Tobacco:  The use of tobacco reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to the baby.  Smoking may cause low birth weight. Read this article about the link between smoking and low birth weight.

Legal Drugs:  Consult a physician or pharmacist before taking any prescription or over the counter drug or herb. 

Illegal Drugs: You should never use illegal drugs, they should always be avoided, not only during pregnancy.  Use of illegal drugs during pregnancy can have devastating effects on your baby.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Underweight before pregnancy    28 – 40 lbs
Normal weight before pregnancy    25 – 35 lbs
Overweight before pregnancy    15 – 25 lbs
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