1st Stage of Labor

The 1st Stage of Labor is typically the longest stage of labor; it is generally divided into 3 phases which are called; Early, Active and Transition.

Purpose-  Dilation and effacement of the cervix occurs through a series of contractions. (see diagram below)

The amniotic sac usually breaks during this stage

  • Early Phase:  Contractions become consistent and arrive at regular intervals
  • Active Phase:  Labor becomes more intense with contractions having a frequency of 4-5 minutes and lasting up to 60 seconds.  The cervix will normally dilate to 4-8 centimeters during this phase.  The key to managing this phase is to stay relaxed
  • Transition Phase:  This phase is usually identified as the shortest but hardest parts of labor.  Contractions may have a frequency of 2-3 minutes and may last up to 90 sections in duration.  The cervix will be completely dilated when this phase is over.
Signs of Transition Phase
  • Fluctuation in body temperature
  • Feeling pressure against the rectum
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Feeling an urge to push/bear down
  • Leg cramps
  • Sensitivity to touch

Interval:  After the transition phase is over it isn’t unusual for women to experience an interval during which contractions may weaken for up to 20 minutes

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